
Session: Summer 2025
Chapter:  Fredericksburg
Location:  CYT Studio
Time:  9:00am - 3:00pm
Day:  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Starts:  07/07
Ages:  8 - 12
Tuition:  $250.00


Once upon a bodacious time, in a radical, far-out world known as “the 80s”, there were neon colors, MC Hammer pants, and more pop rocks and twinkies than you could handle! Come slap on your slap bracelet and wear your sunglasses at night, as you rock out to some of the greatest songs and dances of the 80s. There’s only one place where high tops and hypercolor meet musical theater and the best week of your life at Camp Awesome!
 Register Now


5024 Southpoint Parkway, Fredericksburg, VA 224407